Richmond Chiropractic Newsletters

Healthy News – July 2024  

  • Richmond Chiropractic Care of Chronic Back Pain
  • A Relaxing Boost from Peppermint for Richmond Pain, Nausea, Headache, Fatigue

Healthy News – June 2024

  • READY TO SEE YOUR SPINE MOVE?! Exciting Prospect!
  • Blueberries for Weight Control, Mood, Memory, and More!
  • OUR ‘THING’ – Relieving Care for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Back Pain
  • Do Your ‘Thing’: Exercise for LSS
  • Relieving Richmond Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain Care
  • Richmond Exercise for (including Pregnancy-Related) Back Pain Relief
Healthy News - March 2024 
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care for Aging Issues, Back Pain, Inflammation
  • Richmond Nutrition of Ginseng: Anti-Aging, Anti-Inflammation, etc.
  • Richmond Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief with Manual Therapy
  • Richmond Exercise Benefits (Even 1 Session) Heart and Spine Health
  • Richmond Disc Herniation Size Doesn’t Necessarily Matter in its Ultimate Course to Relief of Back and Neck Pain
  • 4 Ways to Ease Richmond Chronic Pain

Healthy News – December 2023  

  • Our Richmond Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Neck Pain Relief
  • SMT Improves Quality of Life & Other Symptoms
  • Richmond Proper Lifting and Lowering Tips
  • Pain and Cost of Richmond Back Pain Reduced with Chiropractic
  • Need to Address Spinal Muscle Weakness to Reduce Richmond Back Pain

Healthy News – September 2023  

  • Richmond Back Pain After Back Surgery Help: SLR Exercise and Cox® Technic Spinal Manipulation
  • Richmond Back Pain Benefits Improved Pain, Less Gabapentin Rx, Less Healthcare Utilization
  • Richmond Hip Flexibility Improvement Helps with Back Pain Relief
  • Richmond Sciatic Leg Pain Relief with Chiropractic
  • Richmond Chiropractic Relief of Lumbar Radiculopathy Leg Pain
  • Richmond Relief for Neck Pain and Nervous System
  • Benefit of Richmond Physical Exercise with Breathing Exercise

Healthy News – April 2023  

  • Johnson Chiropractic Helps Back Pain Sufferers Choose the Best Back Pain Relief Option
  • Richmond Back Pain’s Inflammation Helped by Turmeric

Healthy News – March 2023  

  • Gentle Spinal Manipulation for Back Pain After Richmond Back Surgery Relieving
  • Good Vitamin D Levels Help Richmond Diabetic Osteoporosis
  • New Research Describes How Chiropractic Treatment Allow Vertebral Motion and Spinal Canal Opening
  • Richmond Back Pain Relieving Lumbar Exercises – Knee Chest and Pelvic Tilt
  • Hope of Relief for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Chiropractic Care
  • Richmond Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Responds to Chiropractic Care of Exercise and Manipulation Mobilization
  • Richmond Chiropractic Hands-on Treatment Benefits
  • Reduce Richmond Spinal Disc Pressure

Healthy News – November 2022 

  • The Effectiveness of Richmond Spinal Manipulation Not Affected by Audible Pop
  • Richmond Adrenal Health with Vitamin D
  • Richmond Chiropractic Health Month Featuring Research on Reduced Use of/Need for Opioids with Chiropractic
  • Richmond Chiropractic Families, Young and Old, Those with and without Dementia Benefit from Nature Interaction
  • A Good Richmond Back Pain Recovery Mix: Mindset, Self-Care, Treatment
  • Richmond Inflammation May Link Otitis Media Ear Infection to Increased Hip Fracture Risk
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care of Disc Herniation
  • Richmond Fall Risk, Balance, and Spinal Stenosis Treatment
  • Richmond Spinal Manipulation Benefits of Pain Relief, Reduced Med Use, Better Quality of Life
  • Johnson Chiropractic Encourages Management of Osteoporosis to Avoid Falls & Fractures
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care for Back Pain and Inflammation Relief
  • Johnson Chiropractic Shares Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Blueberries
  • Richmond Patient Expectations Are Valuable for Treatment Outcomes
  • Richmond Back Pain Sufferers Often Benefit from Core Stabilization
  • Your Richmond Chiropractor Listens to your Words Used to Describe Back Pain
  • Johnson Chiropractic Shares Easy, Standing Exercise to Strengthen Multifidus Muscles
  • Richmond Chiropractic Treatment from a Spine Pain Practitioner is Beneficial
  • Johnson Chiropractic Encourages At-Home Exercise to Enhance In-Office Treatment
  • Richmond Leg Pain Relief with Chiropractic Non-surgically and Post-surgicallyl
  • Johnson Chiropractic Shares Nutritional Factors in Cervical Spine Myelopathy
  • Richmond Chiropractic Help for Cervicogenic Headache
  • Richmond Diabetic Osteoporosis Prevention & Bone Health Support with Chondroitin Sulfate

Healthy News – November 2021

  • Hyperkyphosis in the Thoracic Spine Responds Nicely to Gentle [[targetlocaiton]] Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
  • Johnson Chiropractic Cares for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Beneficially

Healthy News – October 2021

  • Monitoring Patient’s Richmond Pain Rating Helps in its Relief
  • Johnson Chiropractic Urges Older Patients to Not Be Sedentary
  • Value of Research for and Access to Spinal Manipulation by Chiropractors for Back and Neck Pain
  • Johnson Chiropractic Encourages Slow Deep Breathing for Added Pain Relief

 Healthy News – August 2021

  • The Benefit of Spinal Manipulation in Reducing Spine Pain and Cost for Richmond Medicare Recipients
  • Johnson Chiropractic Shares Benefits of B Vitamins

Healthy News - July 2021

  • Distraction, Education and Exercise Benefit Richmond Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Hip Pain
  • Johnson Chiropractic Shares how Chondroitin Sulfate May Help Degenerated Discs
  • Chiropractic May Help Control Chronic Back Pain and its Effect on the Mind and Life
  • Richmond Back Pain May Be Reduced with Scent: Olfactory Training
  • A Benefit of Richmond Chiropractic Care, Coping with Fear Avoidance
  • Richmond Chiropractic Nutrition Tip for Sciatica: Curcumin to Reduce Pain and Improve Cognition

Healthy News – April 2021

  • Benefits of Richmond Chiropractic, Conservative Care of Cervical Radiculopathy and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
  • Johnson Chiropractic Can Test Your Mobility and even Improve it with the Sit-to-Stand Test 
  • The Richmond Chiropractic Physician-Patient Relationship Benefits for Migraine Sufferers
  • Richmond Chiropractic Tip: Multivitamin Supplement to Reduce Fragility Hip Fracture Risk

 Healthy News – February 2021 

  • The Use of Richmond Chiropractic Expands as Access to it Expands
  • Richmond Chiropractic Tip: B Vitamins and Exercise Enhance Health of Bone, Spine and Mind

 Healthy News – January 2021 

  • Richmond Back Pain and Neck Pain Benefits from Chiropractic Care for Medicare Patients and Federal Employees
  • Richmond Glucosamine Use Shown to Reduce Mortality: Early, Cardiovascular- and Cancer-Related

 Healthy News – December 2020 

  • Richmond Depression Benefits from Chiropractic Care
  • Richmond Care of Leg Calf Cramps

 Healthy News – November 2020

  • Richmond Chiropractic Care of Sports Injuries
  • Richmond Chiropractic Tips for Osteoporosis Treatment & Prevention
  • Richmond Headache and Neck Pain Relief with Chiropractic Care
  • Johnson Chiropractic Encourages You to Check your Vitamin D Levels for Neck Pain and Headache Care
  • Richmond Disc Extrusion and Spondylolytic Spondylolisthesis Pain Relief with Chiropractic
  • Richmond Nutrition Tip: Eat an Apple this Apple Season!
  • Richmond Chiropractic Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Richmond Pain Reduction with Ginger
  • Richmond Back Pain After Spinal Fusion Surgery May Find Help With Gentle Spinal Manipulation
  • Johnson Chiropractic Reports on Benefits of B Vitamins for care of Osteoporosis and Inflammation
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care’s Spinal Manipulation Recommended for Back Pain Relief
  • Richmond Quadratus Lumborum Strengthening Recommended to Maintain Back Pain Relief
  • To Keep the Pain Away, Keep Seeing Your Richmond Chiropractor
  • Richmond Back Pain Patients Helped with Exercise and Conservative Care, Try Before Back Surgery 
  • The Low Back Pain Pandemic Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care
  • Richmond Diabetic Patients Need to Check B Vitamin Levels

Healthy News - March 2020

  • Richmond Chiropractic Care Choice Enhances Sense of Control & Well-Being
  • Vitamin D Benefits for Richmond Immunity & Depression
  • Richmond Neck Pain Finds Relief with Chiropractic
  • Walking and Balance Work Assist in Relief of Neck Pain 
  • Richmond Back Pain After Back Surgery Has Hope in Chiropractic
  • Glucosamine As a Potential Pain Reliever and Cartilage Regenerator

Healthy News – December 2019

  • Richmond Chiropractic Manipulation Referral by Physicians
  • Santa and Holiday Fun Brings Joy

Healthy News – November 2019

  • Detrimental Effects of Richmond Chronic Pain on Brain Function May Benefit from Spinal Manipulation
  • Enjoying Life, Sleeping Well and Exercising Help The Brain Stay Healthy
  • Richmond Opioid Use Lessened with Chiropractic
  • Richmond Chiropractic Nutrition Tip: Vitamin C for Collagen Synthesis
  • Disc Degeneration and Richmond Knee Pain
  • Regression of Disc Extrusions with Conservative Care
  • Richmond Inflammation in Back and Neck Pain
  • Benefits of Devil’s Claw for Inflammation 
  • Gentle Richmond Treatment is Best for Back Pain Relief
  • Johnson Chiropractic Encourages Vitamin B for Life
  • Johnson Chiropractic Delivers Satisfaction and Meets Patients’ High Expectations
  • Johnson Chiropractic Urges Calcium and Vitamin D for Patients with Osteoporosis
  • Johnson Chiropractic Relieves Chronic Pain without Opioids
  • Richmond Chiropractic Before Sports Helps

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – April 2019

  • Johnson Chiropractic Offers Non-Surgical Relief of Muscle Weakness
  • Vitamin C for Richmond Bone Loss Prevention
  • Richmond Loss of Motor Strength Comes Back with Chiropractic
  • Richmond Back Back Belts Improve Walking Distance
  • Richmond Chiropractic As Part of Back Pain Treatment Helps
  • Richmond Back Pain Patients Benefit from Being Fit 
  • When Back Pain Affects Walking, Contact Johnson Chiropractic
  • Just a Little Richmond Exercise Each Week Helps!
  • See Your Richmond Chiropractor Initially for Back Pain Relief
  • Richmond Depression Related to Back Pain May Be Helped by Chiropractic Adjustment
  • Richmond Cervicogenic Headache Help at Johnson Chiropractic
  • Richmond Migraine Headaches May Be Helped with Vitamin D
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care of Musculoskeletal Pain May Help Prevent Chronic Disease
  • Vitamin B12 Helps Richmond Back Pain Relief 
  • Richmond Chiropractic Patients Seek Care to Avoid Richmond Back Surgery
  • Richmond Sciatic Nerve Related Neuropathic Pain Helped with Chondroitin Sulfate
  • It’s Time for Chiropractic to Care for Back Pain
  • The Value of Richmond Back Belts
  • Johnson Chiropractic Can Help Richmond Tailbone (Coccyx) Pain
  • Johnson Chiropractic Offers Richmond Chiropractic Treatment for Pregnancy-Related Richmond Back and Lumbopelvic Pain
  • Richmond back pain after back surgery? Johnson Chiropractic offers relieving Richmond chiropractic care.
  • The Role of Extension in Richmond Back Pain Relief

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – May 2018

  • No to Vertebroplasty –Yes to Curcumin
  • Curcumin Helps with Age-Related, Inflammatory, Bacterial Conditions
  • Richmond Chiropractic Care Relieves Headaches
  • Sitting Too Long is Bad for Back Pain
  • Choosing Wisely – Recommendations for Back Pain Care Across Professions
  • Try Non-Surgical Options at Johnson Chiropractic before Advanced Imaging or Surgery

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - February 2018

  • What Do You Want From Your Richmond Chiropractor?
  • The Anti-inflammatory Properties of Chondroitin Sulfate Aid Back Pain Relief Linked to Osteoarthritis 
  • Johnson Chiropractic Offers Back Pain Relieving Care of Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Move Your WHOLE Body When Exercising for Back Pain Relief
  • Harvard Recommends Chiropractic
  • Multivitamin for Richmond Leg Pain Relief
  • Richmond Spine Care Specialists are at Johnson Chiropractic
  • Richmond Neck and Arm Pain Relieved with Stabilization Exercise
  • Richmond Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief
  • Relieve Richmond Back Pain with Hip Strengthening Exercise
  • Richmond Back Pain After Back Surgery: Richmond Chiropractic Rehab And Care
  • Richmond Chiropractic-Recommended Exercise and Nutrition for Your Discs
  • Chiropractic for Richmond Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Relief
  • Vitamin D and Calcium for Fall Prevention
  • Spine Treatment Favored for Richmond Chronic Back Pain
  • Vitamin D for Degenerated Discs
  • Chiropractic Use Grows!
  • Curcumin Helps Reduce Radicular Pain and Improve the Disc

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - May 2017

  • Pain Relief with Richmond Chiropractic Care: Cox Technic
  • “You Need It. I don’t.” Do Calcium Recommendations Apply to You?

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – April 2017

  • New Back Pain Guidelines and Recommendations
  • Spinal Manipulation As A First Option
  • Spinal Manipulation for Acute Back Pain
  • Spinal Manipulation Benefits Older Adults

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – March 2017

  • No Adverse Effects Reported in Patients with Spine Stimulators
  • Walking More Stiffly is Common in Chronic Neck Pain Patients
  • 150 minutes of Exercise a Week – For All of Us Especially After Back Surgery
  • Placebo and Pain Meds for Back and Leg Pain Similarly Useful

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – February 2017

  • Combined DC/MD Care is Beneficial
  • Appropriate Timing for Back or Neck Surgery
  • Eat Healthy!
  • Back Pain’s Relationship to Vitamin D
  • Tinnitus and Neck Issues
  • Obesity Increases Osteoporosis Risk

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - January 2017

  • Lumbosacral Belt Use is Not Harmful
  • Vitamin D Helps Low Back Pain
  • Chiropractic Care vs. Primary Physician Care Prior to Stroke – No Difference
  • Disc Herniation - Conservative Care Equals Surgical Long-term

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - December 2016

  • Chiropractic Cares for Spine Pain
  • Chondroitin and Glucosamine Sulfate, Benefits for Cartilage and Cancer Risk Reduction
  • Oh Those High Heels Look So Fine!
  • Vitamins B and D Are Important as We Age

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - November 2016

  • Spine Pain Brings Patients to Chiropractors
  • Who Is Seen First When A Back Injury Happens?
  • Vitamin C Level Affects Back Pain Rate
  • Chiropractic Help for Migraine

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - October 2016

  • Relief for Post-Surgical Continued Back Pain with Cox Technic
  • New 3D Possibility: A New Spine?!
  • Your Treatment Goals Are Best
  • Skeletal Mass Improves Daily with Exercise and Nutrition

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - September 2016

  • 44% Satisfaction with Transforaminal Epidural Steroids for Spinal Stenosis: Chiropractic Cox Technic Offers More!
  • Relief via a Multi-Care Approach
  • Only 28.5% of Low Back Pain Physical Therapy Patients Improve!
  • How to Avoid Chronic Pain
  • Low Back Disc Herniation with Gluteal Pain

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – August 2016

  • Spinal Manipulation and Home Exercise Advice Best
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helps Reduce Pain
  • Don’t Let Back Pain Slow You Down!
  • Muscle Degeneration Comes After Back Surgery

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - July 2016

  • Effectiveness of Richmond Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
  • Headache Relief with Exercise and Chiropractic
  • Neurosurgeons Recommend 8-12 weeks of Arm Pain before Neck Surgery – Good Timing for Chiropractic Care & Relief!
  • Natural Curcumin Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – June 2016

  • Positive Treatment Outcomes Rely on Positive Thoughts
  • Healthcare Costs Increase with Pre-Authorization
  • Do You Understand Your Spinal Condition?
  • Cherries and Apples and Quercetin Good for Diet!

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - May 2016

  • Distraction helps Knee Pain
  • 50% Relief of Pain is Good
  • Chiropractic Treatment Improves Visual Acuity
  • Chiropractic Is Good For Your Heart!
  • Neck Pain Relief Less Costly and More Effective with Chiropractic

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – April 2016

  • Chiropractic Doctors Viewed Positively
  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis – Non-Surgical Care
  • More People Seek Alternative Care – like Chiropractic – for Low Back Pain
  • Think Twice about Gabapentin
  • The Biochemical Side of Back Pain

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - March 2016

  • Chiropractic is a Fit for Low Back Pain Relief
  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain Benefits from Chiropractic
  • Add Exercise for Back Pain Relief
  • Ineffectiveness of Gabapentin for Back Pain Relief
  • Effectiveness of Chondroitin Sulfate for Back Pain Relief

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - February 2016

  • Back Surgery isn’t Necessary for Most Back Pain…
  • ...and 6 Weeks of Conservative Care are Recommended Before Back Surgery
  • Inflammation Reduction with Stretching...
  • ... and Spinal Manipulation is Positive for Pain Reduction
  • Glycosaminoglycan Is Missing in Degenerated Discs...
  • …so is Chondroitin Sulfate

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - January 2016

  • Influencing Factors for Back Surgery
  • Chiropractic Physicians in Military Care
  • Less Pain Sensation
  • All Will Be Well
  • Keep Active!

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - December 2015

  • Patients and Their Chiropractors Benefits with More Chiropractors in the Area!
  • Exercise Helps Post-Surgery Back Pain Patients
  • Fatty Neck Muscles Need Exercise
  • Don’t Lift!
  • Bone Needs Vitamin C

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic - November 2015

  • More Pain Relief from Spinal Manipulation with Exercise
  • Vitamin C for Cells
  • Whom You See for Back Pain First Matters

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic – October 2015

  • See Your Chiropractor First for Back Pain
  • No Surprise: The Aging Population Brings More Spinal Healthcare Challenges
  • Rest for Degenerated Discs?
  • How Fast Do You Walk? Do You Walk Slower Now?
  • Bones Need Vitamin A

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | September 2015

  • Beneficial Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
  • Epidural Steroid Injections – Effective?
  • CLIMB for Back Pain Relief
  • Do You Think Imaging is Necessary?
  • Osteoporosis Risks

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | August 2015

  • Spinal Stenosis Helped with Cox Technic
  • A New Approach to Helping Tight Hamstrings
  • Sleep Quality and Healing – They’re Connected.
  • Strengthen Those Gluts!
  • Have No Fear! Movement Can HELP You!
  • What You Think Guides Your Healing
  • Osteoporotic Women Benefit from Resistance Training
  • More Chiropractic Availability, Fewer Primary Care Visits

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | July 2015

  • Spinal Manipulation offers Many Benefits
  • Tell the World … Or At Least Share With Those In Yours!
  • Let’s Stay Physical!
  • Response to Chronic Low Back Pain Hurts A Marriage
  • Osteoporosis Risk in Men is Higher with Depression and Antidepressants

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | June 2015

  • Back Surgery – Only 23% Recommended To Have It On Second Opinion
  • Evidence Based Practice and Chiropractic
  • Musculoskeletal Pain Treated by DCs Impress MDs for Referrals
  • Vitamin D For All!
  • Leg Length Discrepancy Leads To LBP In Standing Workers
  • Fatty Degeneration In Spine Muscles = Less Physically Fit

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | May 2015

  • Chiropractors Rely on Exam not Always the MRI
  • Disc Swelling & Degeneration Cause Pain
  • Quality of Life is Related to Abdominal Strength
  • Got D? Vitamin D and Aging

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | April 2015

  • Chiropractic Boosts Strength and Muscle Function and Prevents Fatigue
  • Prevent Falls with Chiropractic
  • Low Back Pain Care Doesn’t Require MRI
  • Knee Pain and Back Pain Affect Quality of Life over 50
  • Hip Fracture? Watch Out for Vertebral Fractures

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | March 2015

  • Chiropractic Adjusting and Traction - Beneficial Combo!
  • Women Need a Multivitamin
  • How Are You Walking?
  • Exercises are Vital!
  • Weak Hips - They Play a Role in Back Pain

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | February 2015

  • Chiropractic is Popular in the US
  • Chiropractic Students Want to be part of Mainstream Healthcare
  • Medical Students Warm to Chiropractic
  • Realistic Expectations for Low Back Pain Patients

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | January 2015

  • Chiropractic Manipulation Produces Immediate Changes
  • Chiropractic Cox Technic is Reproducible among Clinicians
  • Vitamin D may help Prevent Type I Diabetes
  • Depression Affects Back Pain Care Outcomes
  • Mental and Physical States Improved by Manipulation

Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic | December 2014

  • Vitamin D: Super Vitamin!
  • Holiday Stress Busters
  • Neck Pain and Smartphones: Not So Smart!