Healthy News February 2021

Richmond chiropractic patient population expands when access to chiropractic coverage grows via insurance coverage. 


Access boosts use. Access via insurance coverage makes a difference in use. Use fosters improved clinical outcomes for Richmond back pain and neck pain patients. In 2016, Oregon made a plan to try to curb opioid prescriptions for back pain by making complementary and alternative medicine approaches available to Medicaid patients. The result? An increase in use of CAM: acupuncture from .3 to 5.6%, chiropractic .3 to 11.1%, massage from 1.6 to 14.8%, PT/OT from 6 to 17.7%. (1) That outcome was in one state. Throughout the US, the Veterans Health Administration is also putting effort into availing veterans of these care options. The VA is a big healthcare system. Via survey, veterans convey their wish for access to these CAM techniques. With access, veterans reported high usage: 52% used any of these approaches, 44% massage, 37% chiropractic, 34% mindfulness, 24% meditation, 25% yoga. (2) Globally, in spite of COVID lockdowns and restrictions, patients with spine-related issues maintained access to input about their spinal conditions by way of the Global Spine Care Initiative which steers doctors and patients for spine pain care via telehealth and live appointments. (3) There is growing access to spine care globally, nationally, and locally!

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Joel Dixon on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes his use of the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management to assist a Vietnam veteran in Australia realize back pain relief.

Richmond bone, spine and mind benefit from exercise and vitamin B intake.


B vitamins are vital for mood, energy, focus, concentration, digestion, and healthy heart muscle, skin, and hair. A deficiency in B vitamins may display itself as constant stress, depression, or chronic fatigue. (4) A report that compared the intake of tryptophan and/or vitamin B6 foods and exercise in non-depressed and depressed young people discovered that lower physical activity levels (in steps, duration, and intensity) were linked to higher levels of depressive symptoms. (5) An exercise and fortified milk intervention exposed improvement in vitamin B-12 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to bolster bone formation and resorption. (6) This is beneficial in light of osteoarthritis (OA) treatment and prevention. OA is the destruction of cartilage, the connective tissue made by chondrocytes. Physical activity is recognized for its ability to offset OA by modulating vitamin B6’s impact on the IL1β inflammatory cytokine of OA. (7) B vitamins playperform a crucial role in the functioning of mind and body. Eat some salmon, chicken, eggs, leafy vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, and Greek yogurt, and talk with your Richmond chiropractor at Johnson Chiropractic about other means to enhance your exercise and vitamin B levels.

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Thank you for trusting Johnson Chiropractic with your healthcare needs and welcoming our chiropractic care into your life. We look forward to seeing you at Johnson Chiropractic for your next visit! Schedule your next Richmond chiropractic appointment today!