September 2023 Healthy News from Johnson Chiropractic

image of Richmond happy couple with relief of failed back surgical syndrome back pain


Researchers reported that degenerative disc disease and low back pain turns into chronic low back pain for a lot of patients after back surgery discectomy. How many had back pain beyond 6 months post-surgery? They discovered that nearly 15% had failed back surgical syndrome (FBSS). (1) Chiropractic care is well-known for its conservative approach to back pain and neck pain. Now, the chiropractic Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management is proving itself of value for relieving post-surgical FBSS spine pain. A retrospective study of 69 such patients treated by 15 chiropractors well-trained in Cox® Technic protocols recorded greater than 50% relief of pain for 81% of patients in a mean of 11 visits in a 49 day period of active care. The relief at the end of care sustained at 2 years follow-up: 78.6% continued with relief. The percentage of relief stayed high: 71.6% at end of care and 70% at 24 months. (2) In a prospective study of patients cared for with Cox® Technic, 8 of 11 post-surgical FBSS patients reported reduced or discontinued opioid use. (3) We are ready to help our FBSS back pain patients whose lingers after back surgery and get you back to enjoying life! 

image of straight leg raise


The straight leg raise is a versatile movement. It’s used as a test by healthcare providers like your Richmond chiropractor when figuring out the source of back pain and disc involvement. A recent study disclosed that the inability to do a straight leg after back surgery elevated the risk of undergoing another surgery. (4) Fortunately, it is a pretty easy exercise. How do you do the it? Lie on a supportive surface. Bend one leg’s knee and place its foot on the floor. With the other leg flat and hips planted on the floor, raise the straight leg off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds and put it down again. Do that movement 10 times. Then, repeat with the other leg. If that is hard to do, there are some adaptations. (5) Let's discuss what is right for you before you start doing these on your own!

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox  on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson  about the potential relief of continued pain even after back surgery did not get rid of the pain using The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management

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Schedule your next Richmond chiropractic visit with Johnson Chiropractic now. We’ll see you soon! We offer hope for FBSS pain relief and management!