Have a degenerated disc in the lower back? You may also suffer a degenerated disc in your neck. Johnson Chiropractic finds this is most often the case in its Richmond chiropractic practice and we strive to lessen both neck pain and lower back pain in part to a degenerated disc.
Degenerative disc disease diminishes the disc's flexibility and size. This results in a narrowing of the spinal canal area where the spinal cord and spinal nerves lay. Pain often results.
Degenerated discs appear to be a systemic problem. (1) Degenerative disc disease is not isolated to a single portion of the spine it seems.
Researchers examined patients with a lower back disc herniation to healthy volunteers. 98% of those with lower back disc herniations were found to have disc degeneration in their necks while only 88% of healthy volunteers did. (2)
You need not worry you if you have lower back pain and have not had any neck pain. Johnson Chiropractic is considerably experienced in relieving back pain due to disc degeneration. As a matter of fact, Johnson Chiropractic treats lower back pain patients with herniations and degenerated discs - as well as neck pain patients who have the same - all the time in Richmond.
Johnson Chiropractic succeeds in relieving neck pain and lower back pain due to degenerative disc disease with chiropractic Cox Technic . This safe, gentle spinal manipulation approach to back pain relief drops intradiscal pressures and widens the spinal canal area. Its well-documented protocols may combine chiropractic treatment with other approaches like nutrition and exercise to control any pain due to disc degeneration.
Richmond chiropractic Care Relieves Back Pain Due To Disc Degeneration
We're here to help. Contact Johnson Chiropractic for relief, control and prevention of your Richmond degenerated disc.