Music to your Richmond chiropractor’s ear!
Because calcium is an essential building block of bone and bone mass along with Vitamin D and other nutrients, it is imperative to feed your bones the nutrients they need to be robust and healthy over the length of a lifetime! Building bone mass is very important and must begin while we are young, particularly in the growing teen years. (1) Certain bone diseases such as Osteoporosis are common among the elderly due to the fact that we tend to lose half our bone mass as we age. Johnson Chiropractic teaches our young patients to build a strong bone mass as teens which will allow them to lose half of it without suffering osteoporosis side effects such as fracture. Regardless of your age and/or osteoporosis stage, Johnson Chiropractic wants to share with you information about calcium supplementation that can help you treat as well as prevent osteoporosis and its linked problems.
Diet recommendations for osteoporosis prevention and treatment are valuable and demand careful implementation. Osteoporosis is a common disease among older people, especially postmenopausal women. Calcium supplementation is useful in decreasing the occurrence of osteoporosis. Your Richmond chiropractor is trained in the administration of calcium supplementation as well as the other elements working with calcium to maximize your health response. Use Johnson Chiropractic’s osteoporosis and nutritional expertise for your treatment.
What are the different calcium sources that doctors prescribe? There are many different calcium sources out there which include: milk, chews, and supplements. We want you to get calcium in any way you can, however, some sources are better than others. Calcium supplementation has some advantages over other means like milk drink and milk chews by increasing calcium in the serum. (1) A good thing!
And what about “brand”? Johnson Chiropractic often is asked if brand x is “ok” or not. Our best answer suggestion is to have you check the type of calcium. Calcium citrate is generally better absorbed than other types, but talk with us about your calcium supplement, whatever it may be. In our Richmond chiropractic practice, we’re here for your nutritional needs and questions.
Check out this article, then contact us for your spinal and nutritional needs!