The "P" fruits - one has a bad wrap for its wrinkles and one is just not well-known. Well, let's remedy their reputations! The prune and the pomegranate deserve our attention, and Johnson Chiropractic is happy to share some of their beneficial "anti" properties with you, our fellow Richmond nutrition conscious residents.

Usually thought of for its laxative effects in juice or dried fruit form, the prune provides so much more despite the more being "anti"! Anti-oxidative stress (which is good to avoid as it leads to cardiovascular disease) (1), anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-hyperglycemic (high blood sugar), anti-hyperlipidemic (high blood fats), anti-hypertensive (high blood pressure), anti-osteoporosis, and anti-constipation. Plus, it’s hepatoprotective (good for the liver) and contains dietary fibers, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. (2) What more could you want?!
The pomegranate! That's what you want! It's just an offbeat fruit to most of us. We know apples and oranges and melons (which, by the way, are all great, too). But the pomegranate is anti-proliferative, anti-invasive, anti-metastatic, anti-activation of inflammation, anti-cancer. For prostate cancer, the pomegranate's anti-cancer effects are the most impressive! It even encourages the death of bad cells so new, good cells can grow. (3) Trust us, all these "anti" properties are excellent in fighting disease like cancer.