No Exercise Often Increases Risk of More Richmond Pain & Disease Progression
Do something. Move. Walk. Stretch. Pain sufferers benefit when they do something. No exercising is a risk for worsening pain, both pain in the body and pain in the mind in the form of depression. Johnson Chiropractic sees many Richmond back pain patients in pain who also suffer with depression. Johnson Chiropractic also understands that when our Richmond chiropractic patients do something, they improve in body and mind.
Spinal stenosis is a familiar diagnosis. It’s the lessening of the spinal canal area because of degeneration. A recent study revealed that risk of spinal stenosis progression is greater for those with spondylolisthesis, had pain (in leg and/or back) when walking, and more severe stenosis. The absence of therapeutic exercise was also discovered to a risk factor for the advancement of spinal stenosis. (1) Back pain sufferers like those who have spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis need exercise! Johnson Chiropractic helps each of our chiropractic patients find what exercise fits them.
Nonspecific low back pain sufferers improved their functional disability level more with stabilization and/or McKenzie exercises than with conventional exercise programs. (2) Notice though that exercise did help, whether or not it was conventional!
For many back pain sufferers with specific or non-specific back pain, chronic or not, may well find themselves a little down when their back pain hangs around longer than desired. It’s not unusual. Once more, exercise to the rescue! Another study showed that exercise (low dose or moderate-dose strength and conditioning) helped decrease depressive symptoms in adults with chronic low back pain. Blending exercise and manual therapy was a plus! (3) Johnson Chiropractic brings in as many beneficial approaches to back pain relief as possible to help our Richmond back pain patients! The Cox® Technic System of Spine Pain Management is one of those approaches.
CONTACT Johnson Chiropractic
Schedule a Richmond chiropractic visit for relief of your back pain. Johnson Chiropractic does something to help. Johnson Chiropractic incorporates chiropractic spinal manipulation and exercise as part of its treatment plan for back pain sufferers. We know that when our back pain patients do something - walk, stretch or move - they find themselves feeling better!