Johnson Chiropractic Asks Back Pain Patients About Pain Relief Expectations
What do Richmond back pain sufferers desire when they seek Richmond back pain care? Back pain relief. How much Richmond back pain relief do they expect? 100%? 50%? That percentage varies with the back pain patient’s experience and past care. First time back pain sufferers many times expect 100%. A veteran back pain sufferer who has gone through a couple back surgeries, numerous spinal injections, many doctors and therapists may well be thrilled with 50% or even 30%. Johnson Chiropractic invites all these Richmond back pain patients and communicates what the spinal research literature reports as realistic outcomes of Richmond back pain treatment and specifically Richmond chiropractic outcomes of care following the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.
How much improvement do you expect from your back pain treatment? 30% is said to be “clinically relevant.” (1) Is that adequate for you? Medical literature defines the “minimal clinically important difference” of treatment to be the smallest change in status a patient feels is meaningful to him or her. That difference is defined as 30% improvement in self-reported pain or function as a result of a study of 743 patients. (2) In another study of 609 back-related leg pain and sciatica patients, good outcome is defined as 30% reduction in disability. 55% stated such improvement at 12 months of care. (3) The expectation of 5443 patients who underwent spine surgery for lumbar spine degenerative disc disease for pain and disability reduction was met for 64% at 12 months post-surgery. However, satisfaction goes down as disability increases. (4) Realistic expectations of back pain treatment are shared with Richmond chiropractic patients at Johnson Chiropractic when the treatment plan is arranged.
In following the protocols of the chiropractic technique, Cox® Technic, Johnson Chiropractic and fellow chiropractors who utilize it aim for 50% relief of pain in 30 days…and we chiropractors do not feel that is too high a target! Cox® Technic physicians like yours at Johnson Chiropractic observe higher percentages of improvement for many Richmond back pain patients. With 50% relief, which for many patients comes in just a few visits to a couple weeks, Richmond chiropractic treatment continues without a surgical consult or advanced imaging (unless progressive neurological deficits are seen or cauda equina is present). 50% relief is often a longed for relief for Richmond back pain patients looking for a return to a quality of life that is acceptable. This might include walking the dog or going to the mailbox. Johnson Chiropractic strives to help patients attain realistic and maintainable outcomes of care.
CONTACT Johnson Chiropractic
Schedule your next Richmond chiropractic visit today. Johnson Chiropractic anticipates meeting patient expectations of Richmond back pain treatment (be they 20% or 30% or 50% or more!) while also setting reasonable expectations of back pain relief for each patient’s spine.