Johnson Chiropractic Offers the World-Studied Cox® Technic Here in Richmond for Back Pain Relief
At Johnson Chiropractic, our Richmond chiropractic patients receive cutting-edge spinal care in the form of Cox® Technic, known, researched and helpful for back pain. Cox® Technic is really around the world…and right here in Richmond! In this piece, you will see papers from Spain, Korea, Japan, and the US regarding Cox® Technic and how it eases back pain.
A new research paper by researchers and physiotherapists in Spain reports that patients cared for with flexion distraction spinal manipulation attain at least 50% improvement. Further, flexion distraction outcomes are superior to high velocity low amplitude thrust technique outcomes. (1) A note on this 50% improvement marker: Cox® Technic protocols look for at least 50% improvement within the first month of care for most spine pain conditions at which time (a) visit frequency is decreased by 50% and (b) treatment would now include some range of motion treatment to spinal segments. And if you feel “Well, 50% doesn’t seem like that much.” Johnson Chiropractic must remind you that medicine now considers 30% and even 20% improvement as “minimal clinical improvement” to declare a medical procedure like spine surgery worthwhile to offer. (2, 3) Contrasted with those markers for a practice to be medically beneficial, Cox® Technic’s 50% Rule guide and attainment is amazing! Johnson Chiropractic finds that many of our patients attain even greater improvement: 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and higher. All cases and patients vary and have their own distinctive issues, but the clinical outcomes are satisfactory for Richmond back pain sufferers who really want to return to a pleasing quality of life.
Traction is effective treatment…for some and when it’s applied to the proper patient. 83.2% of patients did in a Japanese study. These researchers presented that lumbar traction can provide a distractive force and that patients exhibited an immediate response to it. They also acknowledged that traction research lacks reproducibility, biomechanical confirmation, and clinical validation of its effectiveness. (4) Cox Technic can show researched effects. Cox® Technic biomechanical studies found that the lumbar spine disc pressures drop to as low as -192mmHg, the lumbar canal area increases by 28%, the disc height gets bigger by 17%, and ranges of motion can be returned to specific spinal segments. (5) Johnson Chiropractic offers that Cox® Technic is well-researched, segment specific spinal manipulation with predictable clinical outcomes.
And in Korea, researchers discovered that disc heights significantly enlarged in chronic low back pain patients handled with joint mobilization and flexion distraction techniques. How does this happen? They described that this treatment created negative pressure in the disc space to draw the displaced disc content back to the center and removed painful stimuli from the annular fibers to reduce pain. (6) Just what Gudavalli et al found in their biomechanical research of the effects of Cox® Technic flexion distraction on the lumbar spine in the 1990’s! Johnson Chiropractic shares these biomechanical effects with our Richmond back pain patients daily. It’s key to have science behind what we do.
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Listen to this PODCAST with Ram Gudavalli, PhD, on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson. Dr. Gudavalli is the principle investigator who has led a great deal of the biomechanical and clinical research studies – retrospective, prospective and experimental with cadavers – into the effects of Cox Technic flexion distraction. He, too, enhances the world-wide flare of Cox® Technic as he moved here from India! We are so glad he did.
Schedule your Richmond chiropractic appointment today. While Cox® Technic is studied world-wide, it’s offered right here in Richmond for your spinal health and back pain relief and management.